We at LWU are committed to championing human rights for marginalized individuals in Uganda and across Africa. In a society where discrimination and persecution against sexual minorities are prevalent, our organization stands as a beacon of hope, striving to bring about positive change and empowerment for these communities. Uganda has faced significant challenges in upholding the rights of sexual minorities, with discriminatory laws and societal attitudes contributing to widespread discrimination, violence, and stigmatization. Despite these adversities, LWU has embarked on a courageous journey to advocate for the rights and dignity of these individuals throughout the country. Through grassroots activism, community engagement, and strategic advocacy efforts, LWU works tirelessly to raise awareness about their rights and challenge discriminatory practices. We provide vital support services, including legal aid, counseling, and safe spaces, to those facing persecution and discrimination.

The journey

LWU’s journey in supporting marginalized individuals in Uganda has been marked by resilience, courage, and unwavering determination. Despite facing numerous obstacles and threats, we remain steadfast in our commitment to creating a more inclusive and equitable society for all. Together with our partners and allies, LWU continues to advocate for legal reforms, policy changes, and social acceptance to advance the rights of sexual minorities in Uganda. We believe that every person, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, deserves to live a life free from fear, discrimination, and violence. Join Let’s Walk Uganda in our mission to promote human rights and dignity for all marginalized individuals in Uganda. Together, we can create a future where everyone is treated with respect, equality, and compassion, regardless of who they are or whom they love.


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Countering Persecution with Legal Advocacy & Support

In the face of widespread persecution and discrimination against sexual minorities in Uganda, LWU has launched this project to provide vital assistance and protection to marginalized individuals within the community. Uganda has been plagued by discriminatory laws and societal attitudes that pose significant threats to the safety, well-being, and human rights of these individuals. From violent attacks to legal persecution, sexual minorities in Uganda face numerous challenges on a daily basis.

Project Objectives

  • To empower marginalized individuals in Uganda by providing them with legal assistance, advocacy, and support services to address the challenges they face due to their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Key Initiative

Legal Aid ClinicLWU has established a dedicated legal aid clinic staffed by experienced lawyers and legal experts who offer free legal assistance and representation to marginalized individuals facing discrimination, harassment, or legal challenges.

Legal Workshops and Training: The project conducts workshops and training sessions to educate the key population individuals about their rights under Ugandan law and how to navigate the legal system effectively. Topics covered include legal rights, advocacy strategies, and self-defense mechanisms.

Policy Advocacy: LWU engages in policy advocacy efforts to challenge discriminatory laws and advocate for legal reforms that protect the rights and dignity of key populations. Through strategic lobbying and coalition-building, the project seeks to influence legislative change and promote greater inclusivity in Ugandan society.

Emergency Response: In cases of emergency, such as instances of violence or threats against minority community, the project provides immediate support and assistance, including emergency shelter, medical aid, and legal representation.

Impact and Outcomes: 

By providing legal advocacy and support to key populations in Uganda, the project aims to achieve the following outcomes:

  • Increased access to legal assistance and representation for individuals from marginalized communities.

  • Enhanced awareness of legal rights and avenues for redress within key populations.

  • Reduction in incidents of persecution, discrimination, and violence against sexual and gender minorities.

  • Promotion of legal reforms and policy changes to advance the rights and protections of marginalized communities in Uganda.

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Countering Exclusion with Unity

The project aims to foster a sense of community, belonging, and solidarity among key populations while challenging societal barriers and promoting acceptance and inclusivity. Individuals from marginalized communities in Uganda often experience social exclusion, ostracization, and marginalization due to prevailing societal attitudes and discriminatory practices. This exclusion not only impacts their mental health and well-being but also limits their access to essential services and support networks.


Project Objectives

  • To build a supportive and inclusive community for key populations in Uganda.
  • To promote unity, solidarity, and mutual support among marginalized individuals and allies.
  • To challenge societal stigma and discrimination through awareness-raising and advocacy efforts.
  • To provide a platform for individuals from key populations to share their stories, experiences, and perspectives.

Key Initiative

Community Building Activities: LWU organizes community-building events, such as social gatherings, workshops, and support groups, to bring the key population individuals together in a safe and welcoming environment. These activities provide opportunities for networking, friendship, and mutual support.

Unity Campaigns: The
project launches unity campaigns and initiatives to promote solidarity and
acceptance within the broader Ugandan society. Through public events, social
media campaigns, and advocacy efforts, LWU advocates for the minority rights and challenges
stereotypes and prejudices.

Unity Campaigns: The project launches unity campaigns and initiatives to promote solidarity and acceptance within the broader Ugandan society. Through public events, social media campaigns, and advocacy efforts, LWU advocates for key population rights and challenges stereotypes and prejudices.

Alliance Building: The project seeks to build alliances and partnerships with other organizations, community leaders, and allies who share LWU’s commitment to the key population rights and inclusion. By working together, these alliances amplify advocacy efforts and strengthen support networks for LGBTQ+ individuals.

Impact and Outcomes:

Through this project, LWU aims to achieve the following outcomes:

v  Increased sense of community and belonging among Key population individuals in Uganda.

v  Reduced social isolation and stigma faced by the sexual minorities.

v  Heightened awareness and understanding of key population issues within Ugandan society.

v  Enhanced support networks and resources for key population individuals to access..



This project embodies LWU’s dedication to promoting unity, solidarity, and acceptance for sexual minority individuals in Uganda. By fostering a sense of community, challenging exclusionary practices, and advocating for change, LWU strives to create a more inclusive and equitable society where all individuals can live with dignity and respect, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

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Unit for Our Rights

This initiative is dedicated to empowering LGBTQ+ individuals, advocating for their rights, and fostering a united front to challenge discrimination and injustice. LGBTQ+ individuals in Uganda continue to face systemic discrimination, violence, and legal persecution due to entrenched societal attitudes and discriminatory laws. The project recognizes the urgent need to address these injustices and uphold the rights and dignity of LGBTQ+ minorities.

Project Objectives

  • To empower LGBTQ+ individuals to assert their rights and advocate for change.
  • To raise awareness about LGBTQ+ rights and challenges within Ugandan society.
  • To build alliances and partnerships to strengthen advocacy efforts and support networks.
  • To mobilize collective action to challenge discriminatory laws and policies.

Key Initiative

Legal Empowerment Workshops: LWU conducts legal empowerment workshops to educate LGBTQ+ individuals about their rights under Ugandan law and provide them with tools and resources to navigate legal challenges effectively.

Capacity Building: LWU provides capacity-building support to LGBTQ+ organizations and activists, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to advocate for LGBTQ+ rights effectively. This includes training on advocacy strategies, communication techniques, and coalition-building.

Legal Assistance and Support: The project offers legal assistance and support to LGBTQ+ individuals facing discrimination, harassment, or legal challenges. LWU provides free legal aid, representation, and referrals to ensure that LGBTQ+ individuals have access to justice.

Impact and Outcomes:

Through this project, LWU aims to achieve the following outcomes:

v  Increased awareness and understanding of LGBTQ+ rights and issues within Ugandan society.

v  Strengthened advocacy networks and partnerships to advance LGBTQ+ rights.

v  Empowered LGBTQ+ individuals to assert their rights and challenge discrimination.

v  Positive changes in legislation, policies, and societal attitudes towards LGBTQ+ individuals in Uganda.



This project exemplifies LWU’s commitment to advocating for the rights and dignity of LGBTQ+ minorities in Uganda. By empowering individuals, mobilizing collective action, and advocating for change, LWU strives to create a more inclusive and equitable society where all individuals can live free from discrimination and persecution.

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Countering Rejection with Shelter, Safe Spaces & Community Empowerment Programs.

LWU has launched initiative that aims to provide essential resources, safe spaces, and community empowerment programs to LGBTQ+ individuals, offering them refuge, support, and opportunities for growth and resilience. LGBTQ+ individuals in Uganda often experience rejection, ostracization, and violence due to societal stigma and discriminatory laws. Many individuals are forced to leave their homes and communities, seeking refuge and support elsewhere. This project recognizes the critical need for safe spaces and support services for LGBTQ+ individuals facing rejection and exclusion.

Project Objectives

  • To provide temporary shelter and safe spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals facing homelessness or unsafe living conditions.
  • To offer community empowerment programs to build resilience, foster self-esteem, and promote social inclusion among LGBTQ+ individuals.
  • To create a supportive and affirming environment where LGBTQ+ individuals can access resources, support networks, and opportunities for personal growth.
  • To raise awareness about the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals and advocate for greater acceptance and support within Ugandan society.

Key Initiative

Safe Shelter Program: LWU operates a safe shelter program that provides temporary housing and support services to LGBTQ+ individuals who are homeless or at risk of violence or abuse. The shelter offers a secure and affirming environment where individuals can access basic necessities, counseling, and assistance in finding permanent housing.

Community Empowerment Workshops: The project organizes community empowerment workshops and activities aimed at building resilience, self-esteem, and leadership skills among LGBTQ+ individuals. These workshops cover topics such as self-care, assertiveness, advocacy, and career development.

Peer Support Groups: LWU facilitates peer support groups for LGBTQ+ individuals to connect, share experiences, and provide mutual support. These groups offer a safe and confidential space where individuals can discuss their challenges, seek advice, and build solidarity with others facing similar struggles.

Education and Awareness Campaigns: The project conducts education and awareness campaigns to challenge stigma and discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals and promote greater acceptance and understanding within Ugandan society. These campaigns utilize various mediums, including community events, social media, and public outreach activities.

Impact and Outcomes:

Through this project, LWU aims to achieve the following outcomes:

v     Increased access to safe shelter and support services for LGBTQ+ individuals facing rejection and homelessness.

v  Enhanced resilience, self-esteem, and social inclusion among LGBTQ+ individuals through community empowerment programs.

v Greater awareness and acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals within Ugandan society, leading to reduced stigma and discrimination.

v  Improved well-being and quality of life for LGBTQ+ individuals as they find refuge, support, and opportunities for personal       growth within the community.


This project exemplifies LWU’s commitment to providing essential support and empowerment to LGBTQ+ individuals facing rejection and discrimination in Uganda. By offering safe spaces, community empowerment programs, and advocacy efforts, LWU strives to create a more inclusive and affirming environment where all individuals can live with dignity, respect, and acceptance.

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United in Awareness Campaigns & Education.

In the face of pervasive stigma and discrimination against LGBTQ+ minorities in Uganda, LWU has initiated this project. This project aims to raise awareness, challenge stereotypes, and promote understanding and acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals within Ugandan society through targeted education and advocacy campaigns. LGBTQ+ individuals in Uganda often face prejudice, discrimination, and violence due to societal stigma and discriminatory laws. Lack of awareness and understanding about LGBTQ+ issues further perpetuate this marginalization, making it challenging for LGBTQ+ individuals to live openly and authentically.

Project Objectives

  • To raise awareness about LGBTQ+ rights, challenges, and experiences within Ugandan society.
  • To challenge stereotypes and misconceptions about LGBTQ+ individuals through targeted education and advocacy efforts.
  • To promote empathy, understanding, and acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals among the general public and key stakeholders.
  • To empower LGBTQ+ individuals to advocate for their rights and assert their identities in a supportive and affirming environment.

Key Initiative

Community Workshops and Trainings: LWU organizes workshops, trainings, and educational sessions on LGBTQ+ rights, health, and well-being for community members, educators, healthcare professionals, and other stakeholders. These sessions provide opportunities for dialogue, learning, and capacity-building around LGBTQ+ issues.

Public Awareness Campaigns: The project launches public awareness campaigns utilizing various mediums, including social media, radio, television, and community events. These campaigns aim to challenge stereotypes, dispel myths, and promote positive representations of LGBTQ+ individuals, fostering greater understanding and acceptance..

Advocacy and Policy Engagement: The project engages in advocacy efforts to promote LGBTQ+ rights and influence policy change at the local, national, and international levels. LWU collaborates with policymakers, civil society organizations, and allies to advocate for legal reforms and protections for LGBTQ+ individuals.

Impact and Outcomes:

Through this project, LWU aims to achieve the following outcomes:

v  Increased awareness and understanding of LGBTQ+ rights and issues among the general public and key stakeholders.

v  Reduced stigma, discrimination, and violence against LGBTQ+ individuals within Ugandan society.

v  Enhanced support networks and resources for LGBTQ+ individuals to access information, services, and support.

v  Empowered LGBTQ+ individuals to advocate for their rights and identities in a more inclusive and affirming environment.


This project exemplifies LWU’s commitment to promoting awareness, understanding, and acceptance of LGBTQ+ individuals in Uganda. Through education, advocacy, and community engagement, LWU strives to create a more inclusive and equitable society where all individuals can live with dignity, respect, and acceptance, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.