justice & equality

Within the LGBTQ+ community in Uganda, achieving justice and equality remains a significant challenge due to systemic discrimination, legal persecution, and societal stigma. LWU recognizes the critical importance of advocating for justice and equality for LGBTQ+ minorities who face persecution and discrimination. Through legal advocacy, community empowerment, and public awareness campaigns, LWU is dedicated to promoting justice and equality for LGBTQ+ individuals in Uganda. In Uganda, LGBTQ+ individuals face widespread discrimination and violence, often fueled by societal stigma and discriminatory laws criminalizing same-sex relationships. This legal persecution not only violates the rights and dignity of LGBTQ+ individuals but also impedes their access to justice and equality before the law. Furthermore, LGBTQ+ individuals are often marginalized and excluded from participation in social, economic, and political spheres, further perpetuating inequality and injustice.

our journey

LWU’s journey in advocating for justice and equality for LGBTQ+ individuals in Uganda is rooted in a commitment to human rights, dignity, and empowerment. Through strategic initiatives and partnerships, LWU works to challenge discriminatory laws, empower LGBTQ+ individuals to assert their rights, and promote inclusive policies and practices that uphold justice and equality for all.

Key Initiatives

Legal Advocacy and Support: LWU provides legal advocacy and support services to LGBTQ+ individuals who face discrimination, harassment, or violence. This includes legal representation, assistance in navigating the legal system, and advocacy for policy reforms to protect LGBTQ+ rights and ensure equal access to justice.

Community Empowerment Programs: LWU organizes community empowerment programs aimed at building resilience, self-esteem, and leadership skills among LGBTQ+ individuals. These programs provide opportunities for education, skill-building, and collective action to challenge injustice and promote equality within the community.

Public Awareness Campaigns: LWU launches public awareness campaigns to raise awareness about LGBTQ+ rights, challenge stereotypes, and promote understanding and acceptance within Ugandan society. Through media outreach, community events, and advocacy efforts, LWU aims to change hearts and minds and build support for LGBTQ+ equality.

Policy Advocacy and Engagement: LWU engages in policy advocacy and engagement to influence legislative and policy reforms that promote justice and equality for LGBTQ+ individuals. This includes lobbying for the repeal of discriminatory laws, advocating for the adoption of LGBTQ+-inclusive policies, and collaborating with government agencies and stakeholders to advance LGBTQ+ rights.

Impact and Outcomes:

Through its initiatives addressing justice and equality, LWU aims to achieve the following outcomes:

v  Increased awareness and understanding of LGBTQ+ rights and issues within Ugandan society.

v  Reduction in discrimination, violence, and persecution against LGBTQ+ individuals.

v  Strengthened legal protections and policies that uphold justice and equality for LGBTQ+ minorities.

v  Empowerment of LGBTQ+ individuals to assert their rights and participate fully in society.



Let’s Walk Uganda remains committed to advocating for justice and equality for LGBTQ+ individuals in Uganda. By challenging discriminatory laws, empowering communities, and promoting public awareness and understanding, LWU strives to create a more just, equal, and inclusive society where all individuals can live with dignity, respect, and equality, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.