Theme of the Event

Strategic Validation Convening: We are pleased to announce the upcoming Strategic Validation Convening scheduled for 18th March 2024. This crucial gathering will bring together community stakeholders who have actively participated in both online and physical engagements to review and validate the 15-year strategic plan. 

Purpose: The primary objective of this meeting is to provide stakeholders with the opportunity to meticulously examine the strategic plan, ensuring that their ideas and perspectives have been accurately reflected. By collectively reviewing and confirming the document, participants will affirm their ownership of the plan and demonstrate their commitment to its successful execution.


Review of the 15-year strategic plan.

Discussion and validation of key points.

Signing of the strategic document in agreement.

Importance: The validation process is crucial in ensuring that the community members feel a sense of ownership and alignment with the strategic plan. By actively participating in this event, stakeholders will have the opportunity to contribute to the finalization of the plan and endorse its contents for implementation. We invite all stakeholders who have been involved in shaping the strategic direction of our community to join us for this significant event. Your presence and input are invaluable as we work together towards a shared vision for a prosperous future.

Stay tuned for further updates and details on the Strategic Validation Convening. We look forward to your participation and collaboration in this important milestone.

Learn More about the Speaker

Edward Mutebi an LGBTIQA+ Human Rights Activist, is the founder of an LGBTIQ+ human rights organization LET’S WALK UGANDA. Based in Uganda (East Africa.), A founding member of Pen-Berlin. Edward is also the founder and executive director of a human rights news Blog “The world is watching International”. www.theworldiswatching.international, and member of Queer Amnesty Berlin. He is currently working as a student Assistant at the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy CFFP, currently in Kenya, where he is conducting his Master’s Thesis research.


For inquiries or more information, please email us through our official email. Thank you for your continued support and engagement.