We envision a liberated and empowered community
of LGBTQ+ individuals in Uganda, free from the
burdens of stigma, discrimination, and injustice.

About US

Developing an accepting and safe space, free from stigma and discrimination and above all an HIV/AIDs free generation.
Let’s Walk Uganda is a registered charity that arose out of online LGBT+ activism and interaction. Since its inception in 2016, the internet platforms have benefited thousands of LGBT+ people. Armed with this information and expertise, Let’s Walk Uganda set out to expand the scope of existing programs and reinforce the organization’s training and advocacy roles.
LGBT+ people can be found in every community in Uganda, and significant efforts have been made in recent years to increase LGBT+ visibility and reduce discrimination. Those who live outside large cities, young LGBT+ people, and those who have relocated or plan to relocate from Uganda to avoid persecution face considerable challenges despite these efforts. Let’s Walk Uganda strives to ensure that the perspectives of all LGBT+ individuals are heard in policy and practice.
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Let’s Walk Uganda strives to provide LGBT+ individuals in Uganda with needs-based protection and response services so that they can live dignified and independent lives.


HIV Services


Residents Sheltered


People Reached Online


Outreach Activities


Addressing LGBTQ Homelessness

Aid homeless LGBT+ people in need of safe spaces through our LBQ Women Shelter program, while also establishing relocation assistance in the event of an LGBT+ emergency.

HIV/AIDS Awareness and Prevention

Conduct health awareness sessions and sex, sexuality, and reproductive health education for LGBT+ people while developing digital and strategic LGBT+ health-care access channels.

Advocacy for Policy change and inclusion of LGBTQ in National Programming

Let’s Walk Uganda seeks to influence policies and national programing through convening power to bring together the best advocates and activists around for specific issues affecting the LGBTQ, spark discussions and new ideas that may become placeholders for future policy.

Empowerment for the LGBTQ community

Provide competent and qualified LGBT+ people with access to professional opportunities, vocational education and career counseling while helping the less privileged to develop their business and practical skills.

Further develop our profile and strengthen Structures as Let’s WalkUganda


Queer Safety App

Transforming the Stall App into the Queer Safety App. We aim to empower the community with vital services like healthcare support, legal aid, and shelter assistance, while preserving community commerce.

Career Opportunities

We've created over 70 long-term career possibilities for LGBT+ individuals through vocational training in fashion, art and design, and liquid soap production.

Safety and Support Advocate

Through our shelter program, we've provided safety, relocation, and security training to over 250 LGBT+ individuals, while also distributing food and basic necessities to more than 100 people in need.

Equality Defender

We've taken a bold stand against discrimination by actively participating in the petition against the Anti-Homosexuality Act.

Security Advocate

Through conversations, online activism, and legal training, we've empowered the LGBT+ community with enhanced physical and digital security knowledge.

Employee Capacity Growth

Since 2016, our organization has undergone remarkable growth, witnessing visible improvements in both organizational and employee capacity.


I envision a free Uganda where everyone's rights are respected, valued and honoured.
Edward Mutebi

Past & Upcoming Events